I was so fortunate to be able to attend the PATHS graduation held at Texas A&M to see our Senior Associate Shelbi Davenport present the Keynote speech.  The PATHS program is a post-secondary certificate program for people with disability labels at Texas A&M. Graduates learn skills to become Direct Support Professionals, Childcare workers, and Paraprofessionals within the public school system.

Shelbi was one of the first graduates of the PATHS program in 2015. During the past 7 years Shelbi was driven to graduate from Blinn College and Texas A&M at the top of her class.  She is a much sought-after speaker and trainer who has lived experience.  Shelbi was told she would never go to college. Shelbi has grit…true grit. She doesn’t allow people to tell her no!   Shelbi will tell you that the process wasn’t easy and didn’t happen without the support of her Mom and many other people.

Shelbi’s Keynote was powerful to hear and witness. Her words were for the graduating students who actively listened.  They were on the edge of their sits.  I believe they saw in Shelbi hope, empowerment, and the passion to push past barriers.

That was a memorable day.  A day that I’ll tuck away and bring back when I hear someone say that person will never make it. I’ll smile and remember that day and I’ll honestly be able to say:

“Look and listen, the power and wonder of peer-to-peer support has arrived and is here to stay.  The “NO” train has left the station.

Such an honor to see Shelbi shine. – Jeff