Person Centered Thinking Training is the foundation training that teaches the core principles of person-centered practices and the fundamental concept of important to and important for. Participants practice discovery skills that support the development of a person-centered description connecting the discovery to a person-centered plan. PCT does not focus on plan development. The purpose is to discover what is important to and for the person and the support the person needs to be successful. This discovery process informs plan development.
Plan Facilitation Training is the next step in the process. This is an intensive training that teaches learners facilitation skills and how to apply PCT skills to the development of person-centered outcome statements. A co-trainer with lived experience serves as the focus person creating a dynamic learning experience as the facilitator demonstrates how a conversation guides discovery of information. Participants work with the co-trainer to develop action statements that are informed by the co-trainer/focus person’s outcome statements.
People Planning Together (PPT) training is a peer-to-peer model. There are two trainers in this model, one person with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability (IDD) and one trainer who does not have a disability. The lead trainer is the person with IDD who guides participants with IDD to develop an outcome and action steps. The co-trainer without a disability supports the lead trainer as needed. The success of the training depends a great deal on the participants having a safe place to share their dreams and goals and take risks to pursue their own life outcomes. The peer-to-peer training model is very powerful. Participants can observe another person like them leading the training.
Coaching Team: model supports practice and demonstration of Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) skills with people who receive services. A Coaching team is represented by Direct Support Professionals and mid management. Members of the Coaching team are assigned PCT skills to model with the people receiving services. Coaching team members present learning from the practice/demonstration process with management monthly, guiding organization changes. This process embeds person centered skills in the day-to-day practices of the organization creating a concrete method to support sustainability.
As the Coaching process plays out certification of Person-Centered Trainers should be provide training as a part of new staff orientation, serve on the Coaching team as well as facilitating ongoing organizational changes.
This is an ongoing process that can take up to a year.
All training options are presented over 2 days. Trainer certifications are also available.